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Estimate proximals from function value sampling via HJ-Prox Algorithm.

The output estimates the proximal:

\[ \mathsf{prox_{tf}(x) = argmin_y \ f(y) + \dfrac{1}{2t} \| y - x \|^2,} \]

where \(\mathsf{x}\) = x is the input, \(\mathsf{t}\)=t is the time parameter, and \(\mathsf{f}\)=f is the function of interest. The process for this is as follows.

  • Sample points \(\mathsf{y^i}\) (via a Gaussian) about the input \(\mathsf{x}\)
  • Evaluate function \(\mathsf{f}\) at each point \(\mathsf{y^i}\)
  • Estimate proximal by using softmax to combine the values for \(\mathsf{f(y^i)}\) and \(\mathsf{y^i}\)

The computation for the proximal involves the exponential of a potentially large negative number, which can result in underflow in floating point arithmetic that renders a grossly inaccurate proximal calculation. To avoid this, the "large negative number" is reduced in size by using a smaller value of alpha, returning a result once the underflow is not considered significant (as defined by the tolerances "tol" and "tol_underflow"). Utilizing a scaling trick with proximals, this is mitigated by using recursive function calls.


Memory errors can occur if too many layers of recursion are used, which can happen with tiny delta and large f(x).


Name Type Description Default
x tensor

Input vector

t tensor

Time > 0

f Callable

Function to minimize

delta float

Smoothing parameter

int_samples int

Number of samples in Monte Carlo sampling for integral

alpha float

Scaling parameter for sampling variance

linesearch_iters int

Number of steps used in recursion (used for numerical stability)

device string

Device on which to store variables

  • Input x is of size (n, 1) where n is the dimension of the space of interest
  • The output prox_term also has size (n, 1)


Name Type Description
prox_term tensor

Estimate of the proximal of f at x

linesearch_iters int

Number of steps used in recursion (used for numerical stability)

envelope tensor

Value of envelope function (i.e. infimal convolution) at proximal


Below is an exmaple for estimating the proximal of the L1 norm. Note the function must have inputs of size (n_samples, n).

    def f(x):
        return torch.norm(x, dim=1, p=1) 
    n = 3
    x = torch.randn(n, 1)
    t = 0.1
    prox_term, _, _ = compute_prox(x, t, f, delta=1e-1, int_samples=100)   

Source code in src/
def compute_prox(x, t, f, delta=1e-1, int_samples=100, alpha=1.0, linesearch_iters=0, device='cpu'):
    """ Estimate proximals from function value sampling via HJ-Prox Algorithm.

        The output estimates the proximal:

            \mathsf{prox_{tf}(x) = argmin_y \ f(y) + \dfrac{1}{2t} \| y - x \|^2,}

        where $\mathsf{x}$ = `x` is the input, $\mathsf{t}$=`t` is the time parameter, 
        and $\mathsf{f}$=`f` is the function of interest. The process for this is 
        as follows.

        - [x] Sample points $\mathsf{y^i}$ (via a Gaussian) about the input $\mathsf{x}$
        - [x] Evaluate function $\mathsf{f}$ at each point $\mathsf{y^i}$
        - [x] Estimate proximal by using softmax to combine the values for $\mathsf{f(y^i)}$ and $\mathsf{y^i}$            

            The computation for the proximal involves the exponential of a potentially
            large negative number, which can result in underflow in floating point
            arithmetic that renders a grossly inaccurate proximal calculation. To avoid
            this, the "large negative number" is reduced in size by using a smaller
            value of alpha, returning a result once the underflow is not considered
            significant (as defined by the tolerances "tol" and "tol_underflow").
            Utilizing a scaling trick with proximals, this is mitigated by using
            recursive function calls.

            Memory errors can occur if too many layers of recursion are used,
            which can happen with tiny delta and large f(x). 

            x (tensor): Input vector
            t (tensor): Time > 0
            f (Callable): Function to minimize
            delta (float, optional): Smoothing parameter
            int_samples (int, optional): Number of samples in Monte Carlo sampling for integral
            alpha (float, optional): Scaling parameter for sampling variance
            linesearch_iters (int, optional): Number of steps used in recursion (used for numerical stability)
            device (string, optional): Device on which to store variables

            - Input `x` is of size `(n, 1)` where `n` is the dimension of the space of interest
            - The output `prox_term` also has size `(n, 1)`

            prox_term (tensor): Estimate of the proximal of f at x
            linesearch_iters (int): Number of steps used in recursion (used for numerical stability)
            envelope (tensor): Value of envelope function (i.e. infimal convolution) at proximal

            Below is an exmaple for estimating the proximal of the L1 norm. Note the function
            must have inputs of size `(n_samples, n)`.
                def f(x):
                    return torch.norm(x, dim=1, p=1) 
                n = 3
                x = torch.randn(n, 1)
                t = 0.1
                prox_term, _, _ = compute_prox(x, t, f, delta=1e-1, int_samples=100)   
    assert x.shape[1] == 1
    assert x.shape[0] >= 1

    linesearch_iters +=1
    standard_dev = np.sqrt(delta * t / alpha)
    dim = x.shape[0]

    y = standard_dev * torch.randn(int_samples, dim, device=device) + x.permute(1,0) # y has shape (n_samples, dim)
    z = -f(y)*(alpha/delta)     # shape =  n_samples
    w = torch.softmax(z, dim=0) # shape = n_samples 

    softmax_overflow = 1.0 - (w < np.inf).prod()
    if softmax_overflow:
        alpha *= 0.5
        return compute_prox(x, t, f, delta=delta, int_samples=int_samples, alpha=alpha,
                            linesearch_iters=linesearch_iters, device=device)
        prox_term = torch.matmul(w.t(), y)
        prox_term = prox_term.view(-1,1)

    prox_overflow = 1.0 - (prox_term < np.inf).prod()
    assert not prox_overflow, "Prox Overflowed"

    envelope = f(prox_term.view(1,-1)) + (1/(2*t)) * torch.norm(prox_term - x.permute(1,0), p=2)**2    
    return prox_term, linesearch_iters, envelope